Today…. I’m in the mode of delete and redirect!! Sometimes in life, one must focus in on what counts no matter how much it costs. This is my message to my new coaching clients that entrust me with their challenge. As I minister to you, I minister to myself.
Everything that’s not prospering me, holding me back, causing concern, frustration, stirring up trouble and creating delay will be deleted. I don’t mean no harm. I just love me too much to give up my happiness and what God intends for my good. It may be difficult for you to understand and don’t take it personal. The bridge that I’m crossing is not sturdy enough to carry a load.
I am Nichelle Womack. As a life expansion coach, I specialize in helping you reach your greatest potential through self-reliance and internal motivation. I provide inspiration through online and community speaking engagements. Positive thoughts and language are my fuel for energy and my desire to help you find yours. Looking for more great life tips, check out “The Master Tip Manual for Personal Success” @http://amzn.to/1bWA7Vw . Many blessings and much success to you!! Check out my websites @www.nichellewomack.com and www.diversecc.com. Connect with me on Twitter @DiverseConnect.