In the business of online marketing, you must be reaching people to convert them to followers, cheerleaders and buyers. The most powerful people online have mastered how to get people to find them, like them, share them and be a part of their tribe.
Building influence is the name of the game; however, it does not happen overnight. It takes time to see results and earn your respect. Everyone starts somewhere. If you are new to business or you are stagnant and need growth, check out the Start, Market & Grow Bundle to help you build a profitable business consistently.
Listed below are 13 ways to guide you towards social influence domination.
“When you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel this positive energy. It’s very simple.” Paulo Coelh
Build your Site for Search Engine Optimization
Keywords are the key to being found among millions of other websites. Sort of like hashtags, keywords help people find you. By optimizing your website for search engines, you will be able to gain more traffic from people searching those keywords you attach to your website. This is a powerful tool and will eventually lead to a lot of traffic.
Have a Social Media Contest
Starting a contest on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Periscope or Snapchat will definitely get some attention towards your brand with follower shares. People like give away’s and free. It’s a great way to build your list and offer something of value at the same time.
Use Polls to Get Opinions
People love to offer advice and give opinions. Facebook has a tool built-in to help with this process. Survey Monkey & Google Forms are also great for polls. Ask your followers questions as it pertains to what you do & how you can make it better. You would be surprised. You may generate new ideas from people telling you what they want and don’t like.
Start a YouTube Channel
People love video and YouTube is currently the largest video subscriber. Post videos and have them link back to your website. This will add more sources of traffic and will also be a platform for viral video marketing. Need more inspiration? Connect with me on YouTube.
Post on Your Social Media Platforms Consistently
When you post on your sites consistently, it will lead to more people seeing your content and engaging. Be sure to engage back. Like their photo’s, give compliments and provide simple tips to drive traffic to your platforms for more traffic.
Post on Your Facebook Wall and Ask Your Friends to Share
As simple as this may sound, this is something that will certainly get instant traffic to your site. People respond based on know, like, trust and respect. Well.. most of your Facebook friends will probably fall into this category. If they share you with their audience, it factors in that you probably reputable if they were willing to share. People are curious and nosey and will often seek you out. Post tips, strategies and pictures of what you do to gain interest and build more followers.
“In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” Les Brown
Viral Video Marketing
Get uncomfortable with being comfortable of doing the same thing! Think of a unique, out of the box and funny way to make a viral video about your business. It’s certainly a great way to get instant traffic. This can lead to millions of hits, shares and follows. This simple strategy has made some people instafamous for sure. Catch me LIVE on Periscope where I share business tips & tricks to do this.
Attend & Post Current Events
Go to community as well as neighborhood events and share them with your audience. Talk to them, possibly video the event and become the go to person for what’s going on. This is a great place to network too. Pass out business cards and talk to people. Post pics on your social media to show your involvement and gain interest.
Promote Your Brand Offline
When socializing or doing your daily task, slide in with a bit about your business when around people. Put your website and social media links on your business cards. Wear paraphernalia with your business name on it. Put door magnets on your car. Host an open house for your business. Attend meet-ups and chamber of commerce meetings. Buy billboard space. Collaborate with local businesses. Even in the restaurant, talk to your waiter or waitress and don’t forget to leave a business card, an ink pen or trinket with your business name on the table with the tip. Need help with branding your business, click here.
Include Your Business URL in Every Signature
Email marketing isn’t dead! This is prime real estate to share your message and gain by in with your business. Every email you send, people will have the opportunity call you or go to your website for information to buy your products & services. Learn how to grow your email list here. Even with text messaging.. use your website or a link to what you do.
“The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.” Kobe Bryant
Create Back Links to Your Website
Back links are a sneaky way of sharing your information without sharing your information. Back links can be placed in blogs, websites and other social media forums to drive an audience to your sites.
Your Network is Your Net worth
Network with people and don’t be shy. Attend happy hours, go to sporting events.. wherever people are, you be there too. The more people you meet and tell them what you do, the more leads you will find heading your way. Open your mouth and don’t be afraid to be your best advertisement. No one can tell your story like you.
Guest Blog
Blogging is the new craze and stamp of expertise. Your blog can easily brand you and your business in your niche’. Connecting and networking with other successful bloggers, by guest blogging, you get an appearance in front of their audience to make a lasting impression. Use it to the best of your ability to make an impact.
Try these 13 quick ways to drum up and build influence around your business and you will certainly see a big difference. If you found this information valuable, please like it and share it with others.
I’m Nichelle, the Start Up CEO, helping you to start, market and grow a profitable business. Connect with me on Instagram for inspiration, motivation and information to push you out of your comfort zone and into your greatness.
Until next time.. Blessings & Peace.
