Nichelle Womack, MBA

Hey Y'all! I am Nichelle and I welcome you to journey this event with me called life. I am a business & lifestyle creator/entrepreneur 50 plus on a mission to live my best life doing what I love doing everyday. My joy is hanging with my family, traveling to new destinations and some old places, buying and selling real estate, cooking new foods and eating at 5 ⭐️ restaurants while enjoying every second of life God grants me. When it comes to Business, Lifestyle (Family), Real Estate, Travel & Food, I am passionate on purpose and without apology.
Connect With Me
I am WOMAN handcrafted by God.
I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to share my life and my experiences with others through "The Start Up CEO Lifestyle & Business Blog."

Catch me on YouTube for more conversation and lifestyle tips
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more lifestyle content discussing business, real estate, travel, food and healthy living.
To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you as well.
The People Connect Podcast

Listen on the go to The People Connect Podcast. This podcast is designed to inspire, engage, transform, inform and make you aware of how to LIVE your best life on purpose. We will discuss how to start, market, build and grow the CEO of you in every area of your life.
Create the Life You Desire
on Purpose
When You Invest in Yourself, You Invest in Your Lifestyle & Your Bank Account.

Take time to smell the flowers & live life with less stress and more abundance.
Build Your Business, Share Your Brand, Live a Lifestyle
The Start Up CEO
What you tell yourself matters.
The Distance Between Your Dreams and Your Reality is Called Action!

Start, Market Grow & Profit
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